The Web hook API is used for integration of Oloid Platform with Sailpoint. This document
outlines the API request and response formats for the create/update operation for Shared Windows Credential.
{“Authorization”: ApiKey <API Key of the tenant>,
“Content-Type”: “application/json”}
The request body must be a JSON object containing the credentials of the user attempting to log in.
Request Body Parameters
UserType (String): The type of credential. The value should be either "Local" or "Domain".
DomainName (String): The domain name associated with the credential. (Only in case of UserType is Domain).This field is used to specify the domain within which the operation or data is relevant.
MachineName(String): The machine name associated with the credential. (Only in case of UserType is Local).
UserName (String): The username of the credential.
Password (String): The password of the credential.
ExternalID(String): A unique identifier provided by an external system or service. This field is used to correlate data between different systems.
Example Request
"UserType": "String", // Value should be "Domain/Local"
"DomainName": "String", //in case of User Type is "Domain"
"MachineName": "String", // in case of User Type is "Local"
"UserName": "String",
"Password": "String",
"ExternalID": "String"
The response body will be a JSON object containing the message and data returned by the API.
Response Body Parameters
message (String): A textual message providing information about the response. This field is typically used for conveying the status or result of the API request.
data (String): Credential ID of the credential.