Badge IDs are important for identifying and managing users. Badge onboarding in Oloid Platform involves assigning badges to respective users.
With Oloid's Passwordless feature, you can log into Okta securely by scanning your badge.
You should be a Tenant Admin in the Oloid Platform.
To assign Badge ID:
Log in to the Oloid Platform.
Log in to your account with the appropriate credentials.
Locate the "Directory" section.
Navigate to the "Directory" section to find a range of options for managing user profiles and permissions.
Navigate to the "Users" menu.
In the "Directory" section, select the "Users" menu.
Assign a "Badge ID".
In the "Users" page select the user to whom you want to assign a Badge ID. Then, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
For detailed guide on badge onboarding, refer How to assign Badge ID as credential to users.