Make sure you have a stable internet connection.
The Oloid Device Lock app is compatible with Android 8.0 and above devices.
Steps to install Oloid Device Lock app:
Locate the Play Store on your home screen and tap on it to launch the application.
Tap on the Search icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen.
The installation process begins.
After the installation is complete, tap Open.
The app prompts for camera and recording permissions.
The Oloid Knox App Control page is displayed for Samsung devices. Tap Activate to protect your device.
For camera and recording permissions, you can select:
Turn on Oloid Device Lock to make sure that the app appears on top of other apps.
Tap Back.
The All files access page is displayed.
: The Knox license activation page is displayed for Samsung Devices. On Knox license activation page, tap Agree.
On All files access page, turn on Oloid DeviceLock to enable file access.
Tap back.
The Accessibility page is displayed.
Tap Installed apps.
The Oloid Accessibility Service page is displayed.
For Android 13.0, Restricted setting pop-up box is displayed.
Tap OK.
Go to home screen, press and hold Oloid DeviceLock app for app info. Select more action on the top right. Tap Allow restricted settings. Tap back. Tap Oloid DeviceLock app.
The Accessibility page is displayed.
Turn on Oloid Accessibility Service toggle button.
The app prompts Allow Oloid Accessibility Service to have full control of your tablet.
Tap Allow.
The Oloid Device Lock app is installed and ready for use.