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Configure Oloid as OIDC IDP in Auth0
Updated over a year ago

Configuring Oloid as an OpenID Connect (OIDC) Identity Provider (IdP) customers can utilize Oloid's diverse authentication factors, such as face, badge , NFC and others, across their digital platforms. The flexibility and security provided by Oloid's authentication factors, when coupled with OIDC's standards for identity verification, ensure that organizations can maintain a high level of security while also catering to the modern user's expectations for quick and easy access.

Configuring OLOID as an OpenID Connect (OIDC) Identity Provider (IdP) within Auth0 involves several steps to integrate Oloid's passwordless authentication capabilities with Auth0's authentication and authorization services.


Before you start, ensure you have the following:

  • An active Oloid account with administrative access.

  • An Auth0 account with permissions to configure identity providers.

Step 1: Register Oloid as an OIDC Provider in Auth0

  1. Log in to your Auth0 Dashboard: Access your Auth0 management dashboard by logging in at

  2. Navigate to Authentication Sources: Go to the "Connections" section in the left-hand navigation menu, then select "Enterprise".

  3. Create a New OIDC Connection: Click on the "+ Create Connection" button and select "OIDC". This will open a form to configure the new connection.

Configure Connection Settings:

  • Connection Name: Enter a unique name for your Oloid connection.

  • Issuer URL: Enter the Oloid Issuer URL (provided by Oloid). This URL is typically in the format of https://<oloid-domain>/<customer>-idp/.well-known/openid-configuration

  • Client ID: Enter the Client ID provided by Oloid.

  • Client Secret: Enter the Client Secret provided by Oloid.

  • Scopes: Ensure the scopes you require are included. At minimum, you should include openid, profile, email, etc.

  • Sync user profiles at each login: Turn this off, unless advised otherwise by Oloid

Step 2: Configure Callback URLs, Identifier in Oloid

Provide Callback URL and Identifier in the OIDC Document from Step 1 to Oloid

Step 3: Testing the Integration


Click on Addon -> Usage to find the Login URL


Once connection is enabled, OIDC button should appear in Auth0 Lock Screen


  • If you encounter issues, verify that the Issuer URL, Client ID, and Client Secret are correctly configured.

  • Check that the callback URLs are correctly registered in both Auth0 and Oloid.

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