Using the Oloid Verify/Connect App
Updated over a week ago

Based on the configuration, Oloid Verify app can be used for the following:

Based on the configuration, Oloid Connect app can be used for the following:

Facial recognition

You can use Oloid Verify/Connect app for facial recognition. The app captures the face of the user and authenticates it against the reference image of the user in the application.

To authenticate a user:

Pre-requisite: The user and user face are added to the application.

  1. Launch Oloid Connect in preview mode.

2. Stand in front of the iPad.

3. The camera captures the face.

4. The application compares your face with the reference image and on a successful face match displays the Name, Employee Id, and Time.

Identity QR authentication

You can use the Oloid Verify/Connect app to authenticate the user with the QR code. The app scans the QR code generated for the user and authenticates the user.

To authenticate using Identity QR:

Note: QR code is generated by the admin and sent to the user's email address.

When scanning a QR code, the user should not show his/her face on the camera.

1. Launch Oloid Connect in preview mode.

2. Scan the QR code on the iPad camera.

3. The camera scans the Identity QR and on successful authentication allows the user to proceed with the next steps such as opening the door or attendance punch.

Thermal Check

This feature of Oloid Connect app enables one to scan human skin temperature and display the result. Based on the set range, it depicts whether it is normal or elevated temperature. The app allows functions such as facial authentication based on face or QR code.

To use Thermal Check feature of Oloid Connect, you need to set up the Oloid Thermal Kit. For more information, see Oloid Thermal Kit installation and set up.

To use Oloid Connect App for thermal check:

1. Launch Oloid Connect in preview mode.

2. Stand in front of the iPad.

3. The iPad camera captures the face and the thermal camera scans the skin temperature.

4. After the user is authenticated, the thermal scan result is displayed on the screen.

Scan shows normal temperature

Scan shows elevated temperature

Wellness attestation with air touch and voice

This feature of Oloid Connect app allows functions such as opening the door or punching attendance after the user successfully completes the questionnaire on a wellness check. The application uses air touch or voice to validate the user responses, based on the configuration.

To Use Oloid Connect App for wellness attestation:

Pre-requisite: Air touch and Voice based questionnaire configuration is done at the application level.

  1. Launch Oloid Connect in preview mode.

  2. Stand in front of the iPad.

  3. The camera captures the face.

  4. The application compares your face with the reference image and on a successful face match displays the Name, Employee Id, and Time.

  5. The questionnaire is launched and you respond using voice or gesture.

6. On successful submission of responses, the app allows you to proceed with the next steps such as opening the door or attendance punch.

Access control

This feature of Oloid Connect app allows you to open a door using facial recognition or scanning QR code.

To use Oloid Connect App for access control:


  • Secondary id is added to User details page in Tenant Admin Portal.

  • User credentials are selected on the User details page in Tenant Admin Portal.

  • On saving secondary id and credentials format, badge binary detail is created for the user.

1. Launch Oloid Connect in preview mode.

2. Do one of the following:

  • Facial Recognition

  • Identity QR Authentication.

3. On successful authentication, the door unlocks.

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