This document provides step-by-step instructions for logging in with badge and PIN to Workforce / HRMS platform.
Supported Browsers
You must have an Okta account.
The Okta credential must be added to the user detail page. For more details, refer How to configure user details
In the Oloid Portal, you must do the following:
Assign badge to the user. For more details, refer How to assign Badge ID as credential to users
Add a PIN for the user. For more details, refer How to add PIN as credential to users
Enable Badge and PIN options under the WebKey Application. For more details, refer How to create and configure Webkey application
Using the Badge
Launch the WebKey Application URL in your browser.
On the home page of the app, select Login with Badge.
The Scan Badge at the Reader screen is displayed.
Tap the Badge on the Reader to scan it.
On Badge authentication, the Type or Scan PIN screen is displayed.
Do any of the following:
Enter PIN.
Tap the card that contains the PIN on the Reader to scan it.
Note: The Reader should be connected to your system.
Enter the PIN.
Click Submit.
On PIN authentication, you are signed in to the Workforce /HRMS platform.