The Add Face URL API endpoint allows administrators to generate a unique login URL for users to upload or manage their facial recognition data. This document provides detailed information about the API request and response formats.
POST /oloid-users/{primaryID}/login-url
URL Parameters
primaryID: A unique identifier for the organization. Example: AZ-123
Authorization: The administrator's token required for authentication. Example: <AdminToken>
Content-Type: Must be set to application/json.
Request Body
The request body should be a JSON object with the following fields:
ReturnPath (string): The path where the user should be redirected after the login process. Example: /login.
QueryParams (object): An object containing key-value pairs of query parameters to be included in the login URL.
returnUrl (string): The path to redirect to after successful login. Example: credentials/faces.
section (string): The section of the user profile to be managed. Example: face.
PrimaryID (boolean): Indicates whether the primary ID of the user is to be used. Example: true.
SendLinkToUser (boolean): If set to true, the system sends the generated link to the user directly. Example: false.
Example Request
curl --location 'https://api.oloidpreview.com/oloid-users/AZ-123/login-url' \
--header 'Authorization: <AdminToken>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"ReturnPath": "/login",
"QueryParams": {
"returnUrl": "credentials/faces",
"section": "face"
"PrimaryID": true,
"SendLinkToUser": false
The response is a JSON object containing a message and data fields.
Response Body
message (string): A confirmation message indicating the action was successful. Example: "Link sent successfully".
data (object): An object containing the generated login URL.
LoginUrl (string): The generated URL for the user to login and manage their facial recognition data. Example: "https://api.oloidpreview.com/oloid-s3/QOQEeZ".
Example Response
"message": "Link sent successfully",
"data": {
"LoginUrl": "https://api.oloidpreview.com/oloid-s3/QYTQEeZ"
Error Handling
In case of an error, the response will be a JSON object with an error description and possibly an error code. Clients should handle these errors appropriately based on the status code and the error description provided.
Security Considerations
The Authorization header must contain a valid admin token.
Ensure HTTPS is used to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the request.