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How to configure intent screen
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The intent screen is used in Endpoint Kiosk mode, allowing users to define their actions, such as entering a job code or selecting from multiple buttons.

Note: The Intent screen will be automatically disabled if Passwordless Configuration is enabled.

To configure intent screen

  1. Log in to Oloid Portal.

  2. Go to Application > Configure tab > Configure Intent Screen.

    Note: You must configure the application with which your endpoint is paired.

  3. Enable Show Intent Screen toggle button.

  4. Do one of the following:

    1. Select Job Code to allow users to enter the job code.

      The intent screen is configured and displays the Job Code in the preview screen.

      Sample intent screen for Job Code

      The user selects Clock Out after completing the assigned work

    2. Select Multi-button to configure the multi-button intent screen.

      Configure multi-button intent screen based on your requirement

      Note: Once enabled you must add the required fields else blank intent screen will be displayed.

  5. Click Save to apply your changes.

Multi-Button Intent Screen Configuration

  1. Enable the following options based on your requirements:

    1. Conduct Survey: Enable this option to create a survey form after end-of-shift authentication, allowing the user to submit and proceed to the next screen. To create your survey form, see Customize Survey Form.

    2. Choose Departments: Select this option to enable users to select a department. For detailed information, see Configure Departments.

  2. Enter Intent Screen Heading.

  3. Enter Intent Screen Description.

    The intent screen heading and description are displayed on the preview screen.

Sample intent screen heading and description for reference

  1. Configure the following as per your requirement:

  2. Click Save to apply your changes.

    The intent screen is configured.

Configure Intent Screen Buttons

You can configure at least one and up to six intent buttons.

Do the following:

  1. Click +Add Button to add an intent button.

    The button section is displayed.

  2. Select Button Type from the Button Type dropdown menu.

  3. Enter Button Label for different user intents.

    Note: The label is displayed on the intent screen. (See Sample intent screen)

  4. Click Save to apply your changes.

    Sample intent screen for reference

Design Minimum Lunch Break Config

You can configure the minimum lunch break requirements for the user.

Note: You must add Start Lunch and End Lunch button type in your intent screen before you configure minimum lunch break.

  1. Lunch Break Validation Message: Enter the message that will be displayed if the minimum lunch break requirement is not met. (See Sample Screen below)

  2. Minimum Lunch Break: Set the minimum time for a lunch break, specifying hours and minutes. (See Sample Screen below)

  3. Click Save to apply your changes.

Sample lunch break screen for reference

Customize Survey Form

You can configure at least one and up to seven survey question options to present to users after they complete an action.

  1. Click +Add Question to add survey questions to the survey form.

    The enter question text field is displayed.

  2. Enter the survey question in the Question 1: Enter question text field.

  3. Click Save to apply your changes.

Sample survey form for reference

Design Configure Departments

You can configure a department section for users during the clock-in and clock-out process.

  1. Click +Add Department to create a new department.

    The department detail section is displayed.

  2. Configure the department details:

    1. Department Name: Enter the department name.

    2. Department Code: Enter a department code.

    3. Clock ID: Enter the unique clock ID for the sub-department. (Optional)

      Note: Repeat steps 1–2 for each department you want to add.

  3. Click Save to apply your changes.

  4. Sample department screen for reference

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