Here are the steps to set up S2 Netbox for Oloid workflow integrations.
Step 1 : Create Use Role for API privilege in S2 NetBox
When creating a user role, you can set specific permissions for API privilege. Below is the list of available permissions. Please select Read-Only or Read-Write based on your usecase.
None – No access to the NBAPI
Read-Only – Ability to execute NBAPI read-only commands that retrieve information from a system—such as GetReader, SearchPersonData, and GetAccessHistory.
Read-Write – Ability to execute NBAPI read-write commands that make changes to a system—such as ModifyPerson, ActivateOutput, and LockPortal.
Step 2 : Create a User with API privilege
Go to Administration > People Add
Enter First Name and Last Name for the user.
Go to Login section
Enter User Name and Password for API privilege.
Select api privilege User Role created in step-1.
Save the User.
Here, api_access User Role has api privileges.